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© CASA, Schwettmann

Email: me@surname-lastname.de

Twitter: @v_mladenov

GitHub: mladevbb

ORCID: 0000-0001-9208-9281


Tier 1 and Tier 2 Publications


USENIX Rohlmann, S., Mladenov, V., Mainka, C., Hirschberger, D. and  Schwenk., J.Every Signature is Broken: On the Insecurity of Microsoft Office’s OOXML Signatures’. [PDF]


Rossel, J., Mladenov, V., and  Somorovsky, J.Security Analysis of the 3MF Data Format. [PDF]
2022 USENIX Rohlmann, S., Mainka, C., Mladenov, V., and Schwenk, J. ‘Oops... Code Execution and Content Spoofing: The First Comprehensive Analysis of OpenDocument Signatures’. [PDF]
  CCS Jannet, L., Mladenov, V., Mainka, C. and Schwenk, J. ‘DISTINCT: Identity Theft using In-Browser Communications in Dual-Window Single Sign-On'. [PDF]
2021 NDSS Mainka, C., Mladenov, V., Rohlmann, S. and Schwenk, J. ‘Now You See Me but I’m Still Valid: Hiding and Replacing Content in Signed PDFs’. [PDF]
  NDSS Müller, J., D. Noss, Mainka, C., Mladenov, V., and Schwenk, J. ‘Processing Dangerous Paths – On Security and Privacy of the Portable Document Form’. [PDF]
  S&P Rohlmann, S., Mladenov, V., Mainka, C. and Schwenk, J. ‘Breaking the Specification: PDF Certification’. [PDF]
2019 CCS Mladenov, V., C. Mainka, K. Meyer zu Selhausen, M. Grothe and J. Schwenk. ‘1 Trillion Dollar Refund: How To Spoof PDF Signatures’. [PDF]
  CCS Müller, J., Ising, F., Mladenov, V., Mainka, C., Schinzel, S. and  Schwenk, J. ‘Practical Decryption ExFiltration: Breaking PDF Encryption’. [PDF]
2017 Euro S&P Mainka, C., Mladenov, V., Wich, T. and Schwenk, J. ‘SoK: Single Sign-On Security – An Evaluation of OpenID Connect’. [PDF]
  S&P Müller, J., Mladenov, V., Somorovsky, J. and Schwenk, J.Sok: Exploiting network printers’. [PDF]
2016 Euro S&P Mainka, C., Mladenov, V. and Schwenk, J. ‘Do not trust me: Using malicious IdPs for analyzing and attacking Single Sign-On’. [PDF]

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