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© CASA, Schwettmann

Email: me@surname-lastname.de

Twitter: @v_mladenov

GitHub: mladevbb

ORCID: 0000-0001-9208-9281


Vladislav Mladenov

My name is Vladislav Mladenov. I'm a PostDoc at the Ruhr University Bochum.


Research Interests

Protocol   Security

Security of modern and widely deployed authentication and authorization protocols like SAML, OAuth, and OpenID Connect.
Document Security Systematic security evaluation of the most used document formats like PDF, Open Document, and MS Office.
Data Format Security
Multiple scientific contributions related to the security of widely deployed data formats like JSON, XML, and PostScript
Identity Management
Analysis of strong authentication mechanisms like eID, two-factor authentication, and FIDO.


 Scientific Career

since 06.2022 Project Coordinator, Project "North Rhine-Westphalian Experts on Research in Digitalization" (NERD II), Bochum.
- Tasks: Project supervision and administration
since 01.07.2021 Associated Principal Investigator, Cluster of Excellence CASA - Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries, Bochum.
- Tasks: Supporting PhD students, Networking
since 01.10.2020 Postdoc, Chair for Network and Data Security, Bochum.
- Tasks: Teaching, Supporting PhD students, Research, Projects acquisition
04.2020-09.2022 Substitute Professorship, Cyber Physical Systems, Konstanz.
- Tasks: Teaching, Research
07.2017-03.2020 Postdoc, Chair for Network and Data Security, Bochum.
- Tasks: Teaching, Supporting PhD students, Research, Projects acquisition
02.2012-06.2017 Ph.D., Chair for Network and Data Security, Ruhr University Bochum.
Title: ”On the Security of Single Sign-On”
Supervisor: Prof. Jörg Schwenk, Advisor: Prof. Felix Freiling

Dipl.-Ing ‘IT-Security’, Chair for Network and Data Security, Ruhr University Bochum.
Title: ”Performance of Group Key Agreement Protocols in Wireless Mesh Networks”

Supervisor: Prof. Jörg Schwenk, Advisor: Prof. Jörg Tüchelman

2004                             High Scool, High school for foreign languages , Russe/Bulgaria

Community Contributions


since 2021 ISO and DIN working groups, Member, Security advisory for the current PDF specification.
since 2021 PDF Association, Member, Working group ‘Securing the PDF specification’.
2016–2023 Reviewer Experience, Usenix19/21 (sub-reviewer), Usenix’21/22/23 Artifact Evaluation (reviewer), WOOT19 (sub-reviewer, artifact evaluation), ACNS16 (sub-reviewer), CCS16 (sub-reviewer).

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